Be a Partner to our Global Grant Project

Ankara Bahcelievler Rotay Club will realise a Global Grant project for the The Village for Children with Leukemia.

Leukemia accounts for approximately 35% of all childhood cancer cases, making it the most common type of childhood cancer. The treatment lasts for approximately three years and involves use of chemotherapy drugs. The main aim is to eliminate bad cells called blasts in a short amount of time by giving the patient high doses of different types of medicine. The common methods of giving the chemotherapy drugs are intravenous, spinal fluid or oral. However, there are some cases in which the leukemia patient needs bone marrow transplantation.

With this project, special equipment will be procured that is necessary to test samples obtained from the donors. HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) samples will be “typed” and according to this process, the characteristics of the donor’s tissue will be determined. Finding the matching donor will enable the transplant procedure to be accomplished. Data obtained from the typing of samples and the donor will be stored compiling to the formation of a bone marrow registry.

As our club is in the District 2430 which is a pilot district, we expect to find partners from other pilot districts. If you are in a pilot district and looking for a partner, please contribute to our project.

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